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Email address 电子邮件地址:

Course Name 课程名

The Art of Buying and Selling at Auction / 拍卖交易的艺术

course 0 img Date: September 20- October 31, 2023
日期: 年9月20日-10月31日2023
Fees: $2100 USD 2100 美元
What does it take to buy and sell a work of art successfully at auction?
Buying and Selling Art at Auction offers an insider’s perspective on the thrilling, fast-paced world of art auctions, taking you behind the scenes to learn from top professionals at one of the world’s premier auction houses.

The course will examine questions such as: Who are the key players in an auction house, and what do they do? What are the different factors that determine the price of art, and how are values assigned? How has the internet changed the role of auctions in today’s art market? By the end of the course, students will master concepts such as commissions, reserves, guarantees, and irrevocable bids. Perfect for aspiring collectors, dealers, or the curious, this course will enable participants to approach art auctions with the knowledge and confidence necessary to succeed.





Payment can be made by credit card, debit card, or AliPay. For payment information please refer to the Terms and Conditions document or contact our Finance Team at

If you need any assistance with registration, please contact Ms. Sun at
Consulting Wechat: sun13552820107


您可以使用信用卡或借记卡或支付宝支付学费 。更多关于支付的信息详见《条款与条件》文件或联系我们的财务人员。

(或微信: sun13552820107)。

wechat 0 img

Fees: $2100 USD 2100 美元

Discount Code: 折扣代码:

Please indicate method of payment:请注明支付方式

Credit Card

I certify that I am at least 18 years of age and the information I provided about my identity is true and accurate. I have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions on Sotheby's Institute of Art's website and understand that the Institute reserves the right to cancel courses, alter schedules or substitute faculty and I consent to the collection and use of my personal information consistent with the Privacy Policy.

本人声明已满18周岁,所提交关于本人身份的信息真实无误。我已经阅读并同意苏富比艺术学院网页上的《条款与条件》,并且知晓学院有权取消课程、更改课程时间或替换教师。我同意学院根据《隐私政策》 收集、使用我的个人信息。